I felt so sleepy and so tired today...my heads spinning...and the worst thing is that it affected my work somehow...I did a terrible mistake...I thought 6 (six) is 0 (zero) so instead of JPY 12,600, I put on the quotation JPY 12,000 instead (this sum is only a sample)...I felt so small...So dumb...The good thing is that it was only a draft...Still it was a big mistake...I apologize to my Japanese adviser and my Assistant Manager...I hope this will be a lesson for me...I just hope that this will not happen again...they told me that it was ok and people make mistakes...Still it didn't make me feel better...
Anyway, my Supervisor (see pic below) went to New Jersey to spend the Holidays with his wife (they only see each other this time of the year). That is the reason why I have to double my efforts in order for things to run as normal as it can probably be.

Sir Udoy with his truck