Tuesday, February 03, 2004


I woke up very early today because we're going to have our company's morning meeting (we do this every 1st Tuesday of the month). I was not listening well since my attention was preoccupied by my hunger. Yes, I was not able to take my breakfast and it's all because of the morning meeting. I had to work all morning with empty stomach, thus, I felt so sleepy and so weak. I can't consentrate well with my work. Huhuhu.

Monday, February 02, 2004


My former boss, together with his GM, returned to Philippines from Japan to discuss new rules, org structures, customers and etc. We had meeting with them this morning for our company presentation. Everything went smoothly. He changed a lot. He became whiter (twice as much I think) and got fatter. Hehehe. I think some things never change, he's still funny, makulit and still smokes a lot.